Real Estate-Related Information
Additional General Information About St. Kitts and Nevis
Geographical Location
Saint Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis form an island federation located in the northern part of the Lesser Antilles chain of islands in the Eastern Caribbean. St. Kitts, with an area of 68 square miles (168 square kilometres) has a population of about 34000. It is located at 17°15′ North latitude and 62°45′ West longitude. This places St. Kitts approximately 1300 miles from Miami (3 hr. flight), 2000 miles from New York (4 hr. flight), and 4000 miles from London (8 hr. flight). Nevis, with an area of 36 square miles (93 square kilometres) has a population of about 9500. The two islands are separated by a channel which is two miles wide. St. Kitts and Nevis are four hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT -4). Average air temperature is 79°F (26°C) and humidity 71.5% with extremes in temperature and humidity tempered by breezes from the north-east trade winds. The average sea water temperature is 80°F (27°C). Average annual rainfall is 55 inches (1397 mm).
St. Kitts and Nevis is a parliamentary democracy within the Commonwealth of Nations. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, is head of State and is represented on the islands by a Governor-General. Basseterre is the capital of St. Kitts and at the same time, the administrative capital of the Federation. The capital of Nevis is Charlestown.
Legal System
The legal system is based upon English Common Law served by a High Court of Justice, a Court of Appeal, and Her Majesty's Privy Council in London. St. Kitts & Nevis have agreed to be included in the Caribbean Court of Appeals Circuit.
The spoken and official language of St. Kitts & Nevis is English. Interpreters are available for other major international languages. The education system has been rated very highly by the World Bank in its report on the Access, Quality and Efficiency in Caribbean Education. With 98%, St. Kitts & Nevis has the highest level of literacy in the region and its CXC and GCE results are among the highest in the English speaking Caribbean.
The Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport on St. Kitts (IATA: SKB, ICAO: TKPK) has a runway of 8000 feet and is equipped to handle large passenger jets. Vance Amory International Airport on Nevis can accommodate smaller aircraft. Direct flights are available from US, UK and Canadian cities and frequency changes with season. Port Zante in St Kitts can host ships and an additional pier is being built to accommodate additional ships. Port Zante also has a 61-berth marina for pleasure crafts and private yachts. The deep water port in St. Kitts has modern facilities which include roll-on and roll-off docks and easily accommodates large freight carriers. St. Kitts & Nevis has a state-of-the-art telecommunication system operated by Cable & Wireless and Digicel. Their modern network permits smooth and prompt telephone, telex, facsimile and Internet connections throughout the world. Cable & Wireless operates an online Telephone Directory and Yellow Pages web site. St. Kitts & Nevis enjoys a 59-channel cable TV service, which provides 24 hours daily entertainment, sport and news programs from North America and England via satellite. On average, airmail letters from North America take 10 to 12 days and 7 to 10 days from Europe. Major international courier services are represented by Brinks, D.H.L., Federal Express, United Parcel Services, and Worldwide Express.
Political Stability
St. Kitts & Nevis has a history of political stability based on the Westminster model of government and continuity of national policy. Since St. Kitts & Nevis attained independence from Britain in 1983, it has consistently been adjudged to be among the world's freest nations by Freedom House, an independent and highly respected research organisation in the United States of America.
Sugar, which used to be the backbone of the economy, has recently been dropped completely. In its place, the Government has begun aggressively promoting tourism, light manufacturing and international financial activities.
The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, The Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank, and The Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange have their headquarters in St. Kitts. Three international banks are represented in St. Kitts (Bank of Nova Scotia, CIBC/First Caribbean International Bank, and the Royal Bank of Canada) and two in Nevis (Bank of Nova Scotia and CIBC/First Caribbean International Bank). Banks maintain deposits in XCD, USD and can provide currency in a number for a number of other countries including CND and EURO.
Professional Services
The legal profession is represented in St. Kitts & Nevis by Barristers and Solicitors of the High Court. They alone have the right to practice before the Courts of St. Kitts & Nevis, and alone may give advice on local law within the Federation. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, one of the five major international auditing firms, is represented in St. Kitts.
The Confidential Relationships Act of 1985 prohibits the disclosure of any information obtained in the course of business; and applies to banks and professionals as well as to Government officials.
Business Licences
Certain businesses need licences and applicants should seek advice locally on each occasion.
Investment Guarantee
The Federation and the United States of America have entered into an Investment Guarantee Agreement.
St. Kitts Rentals & Property Management
#3 Princes Street, Basseterre SKN,
P.O. Box 1588, St. Kitts, W.I.
Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm EST
Tel:+1 (869) 466 7368 (RENT)
Fax:+1 (869) 466 6340
We are the leading St. Kitts Realtor, St, Kitts Real Estate Brokerage, St. Kitts Real Estate Agency and we specialize in St. Kitts Real Estate, Nevis Real Estate, St. Kitts Citizenship by Investment, Nevis Citizenship by Investment, St. Kitts Long-Term Rentals, Nevis Long-Term Rentals, St. Kitts Vacation Rentals, Nevis Vacation Rentals, St. Kitts Property Management, Nevis Property Management and St. Kitts Ross University Rentals. We have St. Kitts villas, St. Kitts houses, St. Kitts condominiums, St. Kitts commercial real estate, St. Kitts residential real estate, St. Kitts plantation property and St. Kitts resort property listed for sale and/or rent. We also have Nevis villas, Nevis houses, Nevis condominiums, Nevis commercial real estate, Nevis residential real estate, Nevis plantation property and Nevis resort property listed for sale and/or rent.
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